- Tradition Theravâda
- Canon pâli
- Etude du pâli
- Tradition Theravâda, école de forêt
(ouvrages uniquement en anglais)
Ouvrages à lire en priorité : #
Niveau de lecture :
A: Initiation
B: Perfectionnement
C: Pratiquant
D: Spécialisation
En français
#, A | L’enseignement du Bouddha, Rahula Walpola, Seuil, 1978 |
#, A, C | La philosophie du Bouddha, Môhan Wijayaratna, Lis, Paris, 2000 |
#, A | Initiation au bouddhisme, Ñânaponika Mahâthera et alii, Albin Michel, 1968 (trad. de brochures «Wheel» de la Buddhist Publication Society) |
#, A | La Parole du Bouddha, Ñânatiloka Mahâthera, Maisonneuve, 1948 |
#, B, C | Les grands disciples du Bouddha, 2 tomes, Ñânaponika Thera et Hellmuth Hecker, éd. Claire Lumière, 2000 |
#, A, C | Sermons du Bouddha (trad. de vingt-cinq Sutta du Canon pâli), Môhan Wijayaratna, Cerf, 1988 |
#, A, C | Le Bouddha et ses disciples (trad. de vingt-sept Sutta du Canon pâli), Môhan Wijayaratna, Cerf, 1990 |
#, A, C | Au-delà de la mort (trad. de dix Sutta du Canon pâli), Môhan Wijayaratna, Lis, 1996 |
#, A, C | Le dernier voyage du Bouddha (trad. du Mahâparinibbâna Sutta), Môhan Wijayaratna, Lis, 1998 |
#, A, C | Les entretiens du Bouddha (trad. de vingt-et-un Sutta du Canon pâli), Môhan Wijayaratna, Seuil, Points Sagesse, 2001 |
#, A, C | Le premier enseignement du Bouddha. Le sermon de Bénarès, Dr Rewata Dhamma, Claire Lumière, 1998 (trad. du Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) |
#, A, C | Dharma vivant, Jack Kornfield, éd. Vivez Soleil, 2001 (présentation de l’enseignement de dix maîtres de méditation contemporains, thaï et birmans) |
#, A | Dhammapada. Les dits du Bouddha, Centre d’Études Dharmiques de Gretz, Albin Michel, 1993 |
#, B, C | Le cœur de la méditation bouddhique, Ñânaponika Mahâthera, Maisonneuve |
B | Dhammapada. Les stances de la Loi, Jean-Pierre Osier, GF Flammarion, 1997 |
B, C | Majjhima Nikâya, les Moyens Discours (trad. des dix Sutta du Mûlapariyâya), Jean-Bertrand Bocandé, Les Deux Océans, 1988 |
A | Les écrits primitifs du bouddhisme, Edward J. Thomas, Adyar, 1949 |
A | Gotama le Bouddha (sa vie d’après les Écritures Pâlies), E. H. Brewster, Payot, 1951 |
B | Canon bouddhique pâli (trad. des trois premiers Sutta du Dîghanikâya), Jules Bloch, Jean Filliozat, Louis Renou, éd. Jean Maisonneuve, 1989 |
B, C | Pirit Nula. Suttas de protection, Marguerite de La Fuente, éd. Maisonneuve, 1951 |
B, C | Visuddhimagga de Buddhaghosa, le chemin de la pureté, trad. Christian Maës, Fayard, 2002 |
B | La doctrine bouddhique de la renaissance, Nârada Mahâthera, Maisonneuve, 1953 |
A, C | La méditation au quotidien (Une pratique simple du bouddhisme), Vénérable Henepola Gunaratana, Robert Laffont, 1995 (trad. de «Mindfulness in Plain English», 1991) |
A, C | La méditation bouddhique, Jean-Pierre Schnetzler, Albin Michel, 1994 |
A, C | Le silence intérieur, Dr Denis Lamboley, éd. du Dauphin, 1999 |
C | Méditation Vipassanâ (L’enseignement de dix jours de retraite), Rosemary et Steve Weissman, Entrelacs, 1996 (trad. de «With Compassionate Understanding», 1990) |
B, C | Lumières sur la voie de l’Éveil. Commentaires sur le Sîlavanta Sutta, Mahâsi Sayâdaw, Association Bouddhique Internationale, Le Bourget, 1997 |
#, A, C | Le moine bouddhiste selon les textes du Theravâda, Môhan Wijayaratna, Cerf, 1983 |
#, A, C | Les moniales bouddhistes, Môhan Wijayaratna, Cerf, 1981 |
D | Bouddha et les femmes. Les premières femmes bouddhistes d’après les Therîgâthâ, Susan Murcott, Albin Michel, 1997 (trad. de «The First Buddhist Women», Parallax Press, Berkeley, U. S. A. , 1991) |
#, A, C | Etre une île, Ayyâ Khema, Dharma, 1997 |
En anglais
#, A | Buddhism Explained, Phra Khantipâlo, Mahâmakut, Bangkok, 1973 |
#, A | The Buddha and His Teachings, Nârada Mahâthera, The Colombo Apothecaries’ Co, Sri Lanka, 1973 |
#, A | The Buddhist Outlook, Francis Story, Buddhist Publication Society, Sri Lanka, 1973 |
#, A | Dimensions of Buddhist Thought, Francis Story, Buddhist Publication Society, Sri Lanka, 1976 |
#, A | The Buddha’s Ancient Path, Piyadassi Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1974 |
B | Theravâda Buddhist Principles (vol. 1 & 2), Wasin Indasara, Mahâmakut, Bangkok, 1980 |
D | History of Theravâda Buddhism in South-East Asia, Kanai Lal Hazra, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi, 1996 |
#, B, C | Thus Have I Heard. The Long Discourses of the Buddha (Dîgha Nikâya), Maurice Walshe, Wisdom Publications, 1986 |
#, B, C | The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Majjhima Nikâya), Bhikkhu Ñânamoli et Bhikkhu Bodhi, Wisdom Publications, 1995 |
#, B, C | The Connected Discourses of the Buddha (Samyutta Nikâya), Bhikkhu Bodhi, Wisdom Publications, 2000 |
#, B, C | The Dhammapada (Pâli text, translation with stories in brief and notes), Narada Mahâthera, The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation, Taiwan, 1993 |
B, C | Beginnings : the Pâli Suttas, Sâmanera Bodhesako, Wheel no 313/315, Buddhist Publication Society, Sri Lanka, 1984 |
#, B, C | Dawn of the Dhamma. Illuminations from the Buddha’s First Discourse, Venerable Sucitto, Buddhadhamma Foundation, Bangkok, 1996 |
#, A, C | The Mind and the Way. Buddhist Reflections on Life, Ajahn Sumedho, Rider, 1996 |
B, C | The Book of Protection, Piyadassi Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1975 |
B, C | A Treasury of the Buddha’s Words, vol. I, II & III, trad. Ñânamoli Mahâthera, Mahâmakut Press, Bangkok |
B, C | The Raft (Twelve discourses of the Buddha), Mom Chao Upalisan Jumbala, Mahâmakut, 1974 |
B, C | The Buddha’s Words, Buddhist Association of Thailand, B. E. 2518 |
B, C | Buddhism in Translations, Henry Clarke Warren, Atheneum, New York, 1976 |
B, C | The All-Embracing Net of Views (Brahmajâla Sutta), Bhikkhu Bodhi, Buddhist Publication Society, 1978 |
B, C | Sallekha Sutta (A Discourse on the Refinement of Character), Mahâsi Sayâdaw, Buddhadharma Meditation Center, Hinsdale, U. S. A. , 1991 |
B, C | Buddha, My Refuge, Phra Khantipâlo, Buddhist Publication Society, 1990 |
B, C | Visuddhimagga de Buddhagosa, Pe Maung Ti, Pâli Text Society, 1975 |
B, C | The Path of Freedom (Vimuttimagga), by Upatissa, trad. N. R. M. Ehara, Soma Thera, Kheminda Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1977 |
A | The Life of the Buddha, Ñânamoli Mahâthera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1972 |
A | A Life of the Buddha (vol. 1 & 2), Phra Khantipâlo, Mahâmakut Press, Bangkok, 1976 |
D | Guide Through the Abhidhamma Pitaka, Ñânatiloka, Buddhist Publication Society, 1971 |
D | A Manual of Abhidhamma (An Outline of Buddhist Philosophy), Nârada Mahâthera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1968 |
D | Abhidhamma Studies. Researches in Buddhist Psychology, Ñânaponika Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1965 |
D | The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy, Anagârika Govinda, Rider, London, 1969 |
C | The Magic of the Mind (An exposition of the Kâlakârâma Sutta), Bhikkhu Ñânananda, Buddhist Publication Society, 1974 |
D | Concept and Reality in Early Buddhist Thought, Bhikkhu Ñânânanda, Buddhist Publication Society, 1971 |
B, C | Dependent Origination. The Buddhist Law of Conditionality, P. A. Payutto, Buddhadhamma Foundation, Bangkok, 1994 |
A, C | Pointing to Dhamma, Phra Khantipâlo, Mahâmakut Press, Bangkok, 1973 |
#, A, C | Living Buddhist Masters, Jack Kornfield, Unity Press, U.S.A. , 1977 (traduit en français sous le titre : « Dharma vivant », éd. Vivez Soleil, 2001) |
#, A, C | Calm and Insight, Phra Khantipâlo, Curzon Press, London, 1981 |
B, C | Buddhist Meditation in Theory and Practice, Paravera Vajirañâna Mahâthera, Gunasena & Co, Colombo, 1962 |
B | The Progress of Insight, Mahâsi Sayâdaw, Buddhist Publication Society, 1973 |
B | Practical Insight Meditation, Mahâsi Sayâdaw, Unity Press, San Francisco, 1972 |
B, C | Mindfulness of Breathing (Ânâpânasati), Ñânamoli Mahâthera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1964 |
C | The Ãnâpânasati Sutta. A Practical Guide to Mindfulness of Breathing and Tranquil Wisdom Meditation, Ven. U Vimalaramsi, The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation, Taiwan, 1997 |
B, C | The Way of Mindfulness (The Satipatthâna Sutta and Commentary), Soma Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, 1967 |
B, C | Sammâsati. An Exposition of Right Mindfulness, Phra Debvedi, Buddhadhamma Foundation, Bangkok, 1990 |
B, C | Contemplation of the Body (Kâyânupassanâ), Somdet Phra Ñânasamvara, Mahâmakut, 1974 |
B | The Power of Mindfulness, Ñânaponika Thera, Unity Press, San Francisco, 1972 |
#, A, C | Banners of the Arahants, Phra Khantipâlo, Buddhist Publication Society, 1979 |
C, D | Life as a Siamese Monk, Richard Randall, Aukana Publishing, Bradford on Avon, 1990 |
A, D | Phra Farang. An English monk in Thailand, Phra Peter Paññapadîpo, Post Books, Bangkok, 1997 |
C, D | Navakovâda. Instructions for Newly-Ordained Bhikkhus and Sâmaneras, Phra Vajirañânavarorasa, Mahâmakut Buddhist University, Bangkok, 1971 |
C, D | Vinayamukha. The Entrance to the Vinaya, vol. I, II et III, Phra Vajirañânavarorasa, Mahâmakut Buddhist University, Bangkok, 1969, 1973 |
C, D | The Pâtimokkha, Ñânamoli Thera, Social Science Association Press of Thailand, Bangkok, 1966 |
A | Good morning Buddha, Phra Peter Paññapadîpo, Post Books, Bangkok, 2000 |
A, C | Being Nobody, Going Nowhere, Ayyâ Khema, Wisdom Publications, London, 1987 |
A, C | Les brochures «Wheel» et «Bodhi Leaves» éditées par la Buddhist Publication Society au Sri Lanka |
Alors que les traductions françaises sont encore rarissimes, il est possible de se procurer l’intégralité du Canon en traduction anglaise, ou en original pâli, commentaires y compris dans certains cas, auprès de différentes sources :
- Pâli Text Society, 73 Lime Walk, Headington, Oxford OX3 7AD (site :
- Wisdom Publications, 199 Elm Street, Somerville, MA 02144, U. S. A. (site :
- CDRom du Canon en pâli, distribué en France par : Centre Vipassanâ Dhamma Mahi, Le Bois Planté, 89350 Louesme.
En français
B, C | Dictionnaire pâli-français du bouddhisme originel, Michel Henri Dufour, éd. les Trois Monts, 1998 |
B, C | Vocabulaire pâli-français des termes bouddhiques, Ñânatiloka Mahâthera, Adyar, 1961, rééd. 1995 |
B, C | Petite liturgie pâli pour les bouddhistes. En guise d’introduction aux écritures bouddhiques et à leur langue originelle, Gabriel Bittar (à paraître) |
En anglais
B, C | Buddhist Dictionary. Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines, Ñânatiloka Mahâthera, 3e édition révisée et augmentée, Frewin, Colombo, 1972 |
B, C | Pâli Buddhist Texts Explained to the Beginner, Rune E. A. Johansson, Curzon Press, London, 1977 |
B | A Dictionary of the Pâli Language, R. C. Childers, Cosmo Publications, New Delhi, 1979 |
D | Introduction to Pâli, A. K. Warder, Pâli Text Society, London, 1963 |
B | Concise Pâli-English Dictionary, A. P. Buddhadatta Mahâthera, The Colombo Apothecaries’ Co, Sri Lanka, 1968 |
D | English-Pâli Dictionary, A. P. Buddhadatta Mahâthera, Luzac, London, 1970 |
D | Pâli-English Dictionary, T. W. Rhys Davids et William Stede, Pâli Text Society, réimpression 1995 |
D | A Pâli-English Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms, Ñânamoli Mahâthera, Buddhist Publication Society, Sri Lanka, 1994 |
D | A Topic Index of the Sutta Pitaka, Peter A. Jackson, Sunthorn Na Rangsi, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 1986 |
D | The New Pâli Course, part I & II, A. P. Buddhadatta Mahâthera, The Colombo Apothecaries’ Co, Sri Lanka, 1956-1962 |
D | The Higher Pâli Course for Advanced Students, A. P. Buddhadatta Mahâthera, The Colombo Apothecaries’ Co, Sri Lanka, 1951 |
En anglais
#, A, C | The Way It Is, Ajahn Sumedho, Amarâvatî Publications, 199 |
#, C | Seeing the Way, Ajahn Chah et alii, Amarâvatî Publications, 1989 |
A, C | A Still Forest Pool, Jack Kornfield, Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1986 |
#, C | Being Dharma, Ajahn Chah, Paul Breiter, Shambala Publications, 2001 |
C | Cittaviveka, Ajahn Sumedho, Amarâvatî Publications |
C | Food for the Heart, Ajahn Chah, Vat Pah Nanachat, 1992 |
C | Living Dhamma, Ajahn Chah, Bung Wai Forest Monastery, 1992 |
C | A taste of Freedom, Ajahn Chah, Bung Wai Forest Monastery, 1991 |
C | Bodhiñâna, Ajahn Chah, Bung Wai Forest Monastery, 1979 |
C | The Practice of Buddhism, Ajahn Chah et alii, Vat Pah Nanachat, 1980 |
C | Teachings of a Buddhist Monk, Ajahn Sumedho, Buddhist Publishing Group, 1990 |
#, C | Mindfulness (The Path to the Deathless), Ajahn Sumedho, Amarâvatî Publications |
A, C | Questions and Answers with Ajahn Sumedho, Roger Wheeler, Amarâvatî Publications, 1991 |
C | Kalyâna. Dhamma Talks from Ajahn Sucitto, Ajahn Sucitto, Amarâvatî, 1999 |
C | Forest Dhamma, Maha Boowa Ñânasampanno, Sathirakoses Nagapradipa Foundation, Bangkok, 1973 |
C | The Skill of Release, Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo, Metta Forest Monastery, U. S. A. |
C | The Dhamma Teaching of Acariya Mahâ Boowa in London, Chuan Printing Press, Bangkok, 1980 |
A, C | Venerable Father. A Life with Ajahn Chah, Paul Breiter, Buddhadhamma Foundation, Bangkok, 1994 |
A, C | Questions from the city, Answers from the forest. Simple lessons you can use from a western buddhist monk, Ajahn Sumano, Quest Books, U. S. A. , 1999 |
A, C | Meeting the Monkey Halfway, Ajahn Sumano, Weiser Inc. , U. S. A. , 2000 |
C, D | The Venerable Phra Acharn Mun Bhûridatta Thera, Meditation Master, Acharn Maha Boowa Ñânasampanno, Funny Publishing, Bangkok, 1982 |
A, C | The Autobiography of a Forest Monk, Ajahn Tate, Amarin Publishing, 1993 |
C, D | Patipadâ. The mode of practice of Venerable Acharn Mun, Acharn Mahâ Boowa Ñânasampanno, Vat Pa Baan Taat, Thaïlande, 1997 |
D | Forest Recollections. Wandering Monks in Twentieth Century Thailand, Kamala Tiyavanich, University of Hawai Press, 1997 |